Twitching at the thought of twenty

Next week is my 20th birthday. After lots of thought and consideration, I politely decline.

Twenty is a suitable number. “Twenty” is like going through an intersection with a yellow light, there is a little excitement and then it is just dull and forgotten about. Think of the roaring twenties and all that came with it, a crisp 20-dollar bill, cruising down the street at 20 mph, your phone having 20% battery left, $20 Fine by Jimi Hendrix, etc. 20 is a very adequate number. 20 makes sense, it rolls off the tongue. It fits easily into math equations. 20 is satisfying. Yet, I am not accepting it. I say we slow down and stop at that intersection glowing with a yellow light.

Just like year 2020, I have decided I am just not feeling it. Year 2020 was full of hype, excitement, and fallacies. The high expectations rapidly shattered when Australia lit on fire, Kobe Bryant passed away, the presidential elections began to go awry, and now there is a fucking pandemic. 2020 has been a shit show and I vote we cancel it and skip ahead to year 2021. I am trying to remain unbiased, from all perspectives, I think everyone would benefit with throwing the towel in on this one, right? I don’t see any good coming from this pathetic year. Year 2020 has been trialed and simply does not fit, it is time to get a full refund and exchange it for another one.

As for my birthday, why even present the chance of mass destruction? I really don’t mind being 19 another year. Everything sounds more impressive if accomplished as a teenager and less severe if perpetrated by an adolescent. Think about it… “I cured cancer while I was a teenager” or “My teenage niece is living with us,” or how about, “when I was a teenager, I experimented with lots of drugs.” Now read, “I cured cancer as a young adult,” “My twenty-something niece is living with us..” “I did lots of drugs in my twenties.” Huge difference. Me being 20, doesn’t just mean I am one year closer to having to renew my license; This means I will have to completely change my lifestyle. We all know that being 18 doesn’t really mean anything, you have no real-life experience, you are still dependent on your parents, you are probably still fighting acne. But 20, twenty is real life. Twenty means you better get your shit together.

Just like this year, not really feeling it.

Therefore, I am announcing my decision to skip my 20th year around the sun. As I patiently wait to greet 21 with a cheers…tootles twenty!

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