“The first two weeks are the worst”

I’ve been told a couple of times that “the first two weeks are the worst and the hardest.” If that is true then I am going to have a great year! I have loved my first two weeks in Spain.

Time here has gone by so quickly, it feels like I just arrived here yesterday. While it is all still fresh and new, I am reminded by a comfortable environment that I have been here some time. The “comfortable environment” is made up from the family I live with that treats me like I am one of their own, my confidence in taking the metro through the city at day or night, and my ability to communicate with most people here old or young.

While there are a lot of things this city welcomes me with, such as, free public parks and museums, yummy food, and a kiss on both cheeks; there are a few things that I need more time to adjust to before I can call this place “home.” For one thing, where I live all of the buildings look exactly the same to me, I haven’t seen any typical suburban neighborhoods with white picket fences. I always feel so rude leaving a restaurant without tipping (But I’m sure I’ll get used to that soon because it’s pretty nice). The “cultural shock” that I probably won’t get comfortable with any time soon is all of the smoking here (#secondhandsmoke #yuck).

These two weeks have been pretty fabulous. To give you a quick update, the family I am living with continues to be awesome. My Spanish has been improving and I am also switching schools to one that is less intense, closer to where I live, and actually with people my age who happen to be AuPairs as well! I am trying to join a gym but so far they have all looked a little pricey, in the meantime, I have been running (walking) and doing yoga outside without a yoga mat… I think I might buy one soon if I don’t find a gym. As for college next year, I have decided I want to try and double major in both Spanish and Architecture or have Spanish be a minor but still need to figure out where I will be going to study.

Some upcoming things I am looking forward to is making the family some traditional Thanksgiving food and seeing what their reactions are (its the thought that counts, right?), taking mini trips through Spain with other AuPairs, and learning more about the amazing city I am living in while hopefully making friends in the meantime. There have also been a couple of things on the back of my mind too, like getting to see my family and my DOG when I come home for Christmas. I am also excited about this trip I am taking with my boyfriend next summer through Spain and Italy, that I will be busy saving up for!

Life is great here and I am very optimistic that it will only get better.

Hasta luego

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